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Churches Helping Churches - Pay It Forward Program

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POWER's Energy Advocate, Greg Jones, partnered with First Church, who chose to assist Rust Methodist Church and the Oberlin Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.  Three other churches have taken advantage of this program. The results of the retrofits are positive for the churches involved. First Church has reduced its electrical consumption by over $1,000 per year, or 15%.  Since October of 2017 Rust Methodist has reduced their electric consumption by 20%.


If your church is interested in more information on Churches Helping Churches~Pay It Forward Program, contact Greg at 440.935.0095 or

Energy efficiency is rippling through Oberlin’s faith communities.  In 2016, First Church in Oberlin completed an LED lighting retrofit throughout most of its facility.  In 2017, the church received a rebate from Efficiency Smart. The church’s Green Team decided to use the rebate money to assist another church in completing a lighting retrofit.  The only requirement was that the church receiving the assistance should apply for a rebate and then use that money to assist yet another church.

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***Sponsor Organizations***

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